Is pebble dash the right choice for my home?

by | Feb 23, 2023

Pebble Dashed House & Garage

There are many choices when it comes to exterior finishes for the home, but pebble dashing is among the most widely adopted throughout the UK.

It is fair to say pebble dashing has become a bit like Marmite! You either love it or hate it! New pebble dash is still being rendered on house exterior walls but it is also being removed, with some home owners feeling that it dates their houses. But despite its distractors, pebble dashing is still a great choice and offers some advantages above other exterior finishes.

Why use pebble dashing?

Pebble dashing gives exteriors an appealing shiny, glistening texture. To achieve such a striking finish, the contractor stirs sand, gravel, pebbles, and even shells with quicklime. This is then packed into a spraying machine, which allows the pebble dash coating to be quickly and evenly applied.

Pebble dash also provides some other benefits. If your home’s brickwork is damaged or looking tired, a coating of new pebble dash will lift the property giving it more kerb side appeal and potentially increasing the property value. It can also help protect damaged walls from the elements and water ingress.

Why is pebble dashing so popular?

Even though hundreds of thousands of home across the UK have pebble dashing, you will find that no two homes with pebble dashing will look the same! With many of choices of pebbles, colours and tones there is a multitude of unique looks and effects that can be created.

Another great reason to chose pebble dashing is its value for money. When properly applied, pebble dashing will last for decades and maintain its appearance with minimal care. Overtime it can dull and suffer from a build up of grime, but your pebble dash can be easily rejuvenated with cleaning and small repairs. Read our pebble dash cleaning guide.

Is pebble dash the right choice for my home?

Some home owner choose pebble dashing purely for its aesthetic appeal, but it also offers some physical benefits over other exterior finishes. These benefits include:

  • Easy and quick installation
  • Cost effective compared to other exterior finishes
  • Easy to maintain and repair
  • Variety of materials, colours and tones
  • Gives character and lifts tired properties
  • Adds value to properties

So if you are considering adding pebble dash to your property then this timeless feature is sure to give an attractive and stylish touch to your home. Helping to give a new lease of life tired properties and adding kerb side appeal.

If you would like get a free estimate to pebble dash your property or if your current pebble dash needs a bit of TLC then please contact us for a free estimate. If you are in the hate side of the pebble dash marmite camp then we also offer pebble dash removals services.